Maroon Out
During one Aggie home football game per year, fans are encouraged to “Maroon Out,” resulting in a sea of maroon covering Kyle Field. The event promotes camaraderie and raises money for Aggie traditions, student scholarships and more.

The funds raised through the sales of the shirts goes to financially support Aggie traditions and current students.
Credit: Texas A&M University Division of Marketing & CommunicationsBefore the Maroon Out game, T-shirts are sold by class councils at low cost, encouraging Aggies to wear maroon, the main Texas A&M University color, to the football game.
The Maroon Out tradition began in 1998 when tens of thousands of Aggies attending the Texas A&M vs. Nebraska game were encouraged to wear their Aggie colors and create a sea of maroon in Kyle Field. So many maroon shirts were purchased that it led to a temporary national shortage of maroon T-shirts.
Even the Nebraska fans acknowledged after the game that the intensity of the Maroon Out spirit made a difference in the game, leading to Texas A&M's 28-21 victory. As The Daily Nebraskan expressed on Oct. 12, 1998: "A game that was dubbed a 'maroon-out' for Texas A&M fans proved to be a lights out for Nebraska. The fans dressed themselves in maroon T-shirts in an attempt to wash out the red and white that opponents have gotten used to. It worked."
In 2019, the student-led Maroon Out organization announced plans to expand the Maroon Out tradition from one game to a full football season. Fans who wear their Maroon Out shirts to home football games can participate in the Maroon Out Tailgate and other special events.
Learn more about Maroon OutMore Texas A&M Traditions
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